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Evangelism Prayer and Fasting

Evangelism Prayer and Fasting

Evangelism Prayer and Fasting
Evangelism Prayer and Fasting

You should continue to be led by The Spirit of God in evangelism prayer and fasting but if you are new to this, you could study, meditate and  then in the fullness of time begin to consider and pray about the following matters.


Fasting before you evangelise is not compulsory, but if you are led to do so, here is another reason why you might want to do so.

Adam and Eve had everything they needed in the Garden of Paradise. But they ate of the forbidden fruit out of disobedience, seduced by Satan. They were cast out of Paradise and driven into the wilderness. Jesus freely entered the wilderness in order to regain Paradise for those who lost it. Jesus refused food to show his dependence on the bread of heaven, which is the word of God, that would sustain him not only in his physical hunger, but also in his hour of temptation as well.

Unlike Adam and Eve, Jesus exercised all the fruits of the Spirit. See Galatians 5:22-23 (NKJV):” 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.”

If you can be tempted and lack control over self, how can you exercise authority over lawless demons. You are still operating under their domain. During a time of testing we must be found faithful to the word and the will of God.  Then we look and sound like our Saviour to the unclean spirits.

Evangelism Prayer and Fasting

In summary, where evangelism prayer and fasting is concerned, there are other types of fasting but let us spend some time here
dealing with our pride and repenting of our disobedience in the past, and let us stay in the word and in His presence
until we have established a humility that says:
my agenda no longer means anything to me and my meat is to do the will of the Father and to finish His work; receiving by faith, every other necessary grace to do so. Luke 4:13-14

How to evangelize effectively

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Evangelism prayers

1. Heavenly Father in Jesus’ name, we pray for your Holy Spirit
anointing and power to be manifested upon us and
upon the people you are wanting us to share the Gospel with today/
tomorrow (1 Cor 2:3-5) and that You would tear down the strongholds  of Satan over them and over us 2 Cor 10:3-5) and that.
We ask You to prepare them to receive the  message of Your love and forgiveness through us and that  you would prepare us to be the messenger of Your love and  forgiveness to them.

2. Satan, and spirits of the prince of the air,
may the Lord our God rebuke you.
In the name and blood of Jesus Christ,
we bind you hindering spirits, (Luke 10:19),
We bind you evil and unclean spirits (Matt 16:9);
we command you to take your hands off of us and the people
Jesus is wanting us to witness too today/ tomorrow. You are not to
hinder the going forth of the Gospel through us and you are not
to hinder the people we are witnessing to from receiving the
Gospel through us. You shall not hinder through thought suggestion,
through noise distraction,
through husbands, through wives,
through brothers, through sisters,
through boy friend or girl friend,
through children or relatives,
through friends, through surrounding
authority, through satanic spirits or human spirits,
through bugs or animals, through
the electrical systems, through
the Government of this nation or local authority,
through any means whatsoever.
We forbid it in the name and the blood of Jesus
Christ. In Jesus name we bind you, we command you to
be gone forever!

3. *Heavenly Father in the name and
the blood of Jesus Christ, we pray for the full armour of
God: the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the
shield of faith by which we will be able to extinguish all the flaming
missiles of the evil one, the belt of truth, that You would shod our feet
with the preparation of the Gospel of peace and for the Sword of the
Spirit which is Your Word, and for Your grace to pray in the Holy
Spirit continually.

4. *We also pray for the covering of Your blood and the surrounding of  Your mightiest warrior angels and the overshadowing power and protection of Your Holy spirit over us and the people You want us to witness to today/ tomorrow to protect us from any attack or distraction of the enemy whether in spiritual or physical form.

5. We also pray for the joy of you in our hearts and for a Holy Spirit smile on our faces in presenting the Gospel, that they would be attracted to the Gospel.

6. We also pray for your anointing, power and Holy Spirit upon the
present authorities that you would blind their eyes and deafen their
ears and cause them to be so occupied that they do not even
see us, that they pass on. Make us invisible to them. If they do see
us, that they do not take notice but pass on. But please Lord Jesus
we pray open the eyes of those we are sharing with to see that what
we are saying is true, that You are the Truth the only answer to their
life and needs.

7. Lord, we also pray that You would prepare the people we are going to be witnessing to today/tomorrow to receive the
message of your love and forgiveness through us and that You would allow them to experience the fruit of the Holy Spirit of Love, Joy and Peace, and that something good is going to happen to them today/tomorrow.

8. We also pray that you would draw them to the place where we are
going to be sharing the Gospel today/tomorrow and that you
would strategically locate them so that we have the maximum amount of the sense of privacy without distractions.
9. We pray that as we approach them that if they do see us that You
would again allow them to experience the fruit of the Holy Spirit of
Love, Joy and peace and that they would sense that we have something good to give to them today/tomorrow, to not fear us but
to receive us.

10. Heavenly Father, you said in your word “The plans of the
heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the
Lord” (Prov 16:1). We pray that whether they want to hear what
we have to say or not, that You would grant us favour with them
so that they will say with their mouths “Yes!” to allowing us to
share with them how to have eternal life and go to heaven.

11. We then pray for Your restraining grace upon them to
hear the complete presentation of the Gospel through from beginning to end to the point of decision and to a commitment of discipleship or evangelism training and to becoming an
active part of a fellowship of believers.

12. We also pray for your anointing, power and Holy Spirit upon us
that you would bind us and keep us from speaking one word that
is not of you, that you would loose us to say only that which is
of You (John 6:63) in the Holy Spirit of love and Your presence
Jesus (Eph 4:15, 2 Cor 5:14-15).

13. We also pray that You would quicken to the heart and mind of
the people we are sharing with what is truly in their heart and
mind, what is truly blocking their faith, what is truly keeping them
from seeing that You Jesus are the truth, the only answer to
their life and needs and that You would grant them Holy Spirit
boldness to speak what is truly blocking their faith (Prov 16:1).

14. We then pray that You would quicken to our hearts and our
minds what to say and how to say it in response so that their
faith is released to believe that You Jesus are the truth the only
answer to their life and needs.

15. We then ask for Holy Spirit grace, strength and power to
speak the Word of God with all boldness, confidence, conviction
and aggressiveness in love so that they will see that we truly
believe that what we are saying is true, that You Jesus are the
Truth the only answer to their life and needs.

16. We also ask that You would confirm the Gospel to them through
the fruit of the Holy Spirit of love, joy and peace;
and through signs, wonders, miracles and healings;
and through gifts of the Holy Spirit according to Your

17. We pray also for your Holy Spirit grace, strength and power to
motivate successfully and in love where appropriate the individual
to accept you as Savior and Lord, to a commitment of discipleship
and Evangelism Training and to become an active
part of a fellowship of believers.

18. We also pray over our vehicle and in our going and coming for
the covering of Your blood and the surrounding of Your mighty
angels and the overshadowing power and protection of
Your Holy Spirit to protect us from ourselves and the motorists
around us and that You would send Your angels before us to
prepare our way, to provide us a good parking place near the
door without conflict. Heavenly Father, by faith in the name & the
Blood of Jesus Christ we thank You for hearing and answering these prayers.


Edited version