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Resource for outreaches

There are a number of ways to share your faith
but we will focus on just a couple here in this resource for outreaches.
In the first instance we will look at working
in isolation and then in the second instance below there is some guidance for an evangelistic outreach that involves in working with a postcard track and our related website:  


When sharing your faith, give some thought to your opening words. Here are some suggestions as to what you could say


You could e-mail our outreach website address: to unsaved family members, friends and colleagues and then follow them up by answering any questions and asking them to join you in  the salvation prayer that can be found on the “What Next ” page.

As an alternative, please feel free to copy, print and use the tracks below, which sign post people to our related website,  during your outreach work in conjunction with your normal local Church track. If you are in a position  pay for a bill board or any other media
advertising that point to Christ through this website, this will usually be  welcome too. The first “Website address track” should simply have the website address: “” and the strap line: “You need to check out this website.” printed on both sides with a green  background on the front and no colour (white or cream with black text) on the back so that if and when it is posted via hand delivery, the occupants will almost always see the message in the short window of opportunity that you are likely to have.
During the Easter and Christmas seasons, A3 and A4 sized copies of the green “www.Who Is postcard could be put up in the windows of our businesses, homes and on the external notice boards of our Churches etc. throughout the world to help unbelievers consider the hope of eternal life.
I pray that the spirit of unity and boldness comes upon you.

The process for using our postcard:””

The work of a smaller team

1-2 days before the outreach, post the cards

                                         The work of the whole Church

Outreach day
(a) Ask you seen the postcard?
(Hold up a copy of the A5 postcard)

(b) Have you visited the website?

(C) Can we ask you to close your front door and look at one or two    pages now while we wait outside here.

Note: Typically you will only speak to approximately 25%-35% of the  doors that you knock on. They are often out etc.

Does this approach to evangelism work?
See one series of cases studies

Resource for outreaches


The second single sided track below the first can be handed to someone in person.

Why are we here
Who is right track II

Below is a business card template that could be used to inform other Christians about this website and it use as a training platform.

postcard How To Evangelise

On tap

Consider saving this page as a favourite on your mobile devise and use the contents of this site at opportunities that present themselves.

May God bless you as you do so.

Why participate in corporate evangelism? Click here to find out.

Further Training

The Apostles sat under Jesus for three years.
It is important that we fill the gaps in our understanding.
This should include some basic principles of healing and deliverance.
In addition to reading our Bibles let us learn from the specialists amongst us.
Today much of this is available online.
However, let us also be careful not to expose ourselves to those teachings which are not born from the Spirit of God. It is good practice to ask the Lord to lead you before you start a period of research.

For Outreach Dos & Don’ts click here

The restoration of His Church & His Kingdom here on earth

Whilst there is a call for every believer in every nation to do the work of the evangelist over the next three years, 2 Timothy 4:5, there is also a call upon every gift to be stirred up, activated, fulfilled, and discharged, as unbelievers become believers and believers become disciples, and disciples move on to specialise and occupy their ministries and then they are poured out to serve humanity, His creation. Ephesians 4:11-13, 1 Corinthians 12:4-14 with the evidence of signs following Acts 5:12. Isaiah 58:12.


How to evangelize effectively

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Christian evangelism opening lines

1) Do you get the chance to go to Church at all?

2) Are you hoping to go to heaven one day?

3) Do you believe that we evolved or that we were created?

4) Where do you think evil comes from?

5) Who do you believe Jesus Christ was?

6) Which religion do you think is right?

7) What do you think happens after you pass away?

8) Can I invite you to my Church this Sunday or next (Saturday/Sunday)? Or to a special event?

9) I am going to a Church singles conference in (February). Would you be interested? Can we come and collect you?

10) Have you ever accepted Jesus Christ as your saviour?

11) I am a Christian, is there anything that you would like me to pray about for you or a member of your family?

12) If you could only ask one question, what would it be?

13) Did you see that item in the news today (This week) ?

Door step evangelism (Going out two by two)


I am Andrew and this is Peter of WYZ Church of ABC Street, (London). etc.

(Show them the location on the map of your Church track)

I just wanted four minutes of your time to ask:

1) Can we tell you a little about our Church and invite you to our next celebration service this weekend?

2) Do you have any thoughts about Christianity or do you have a question?

3) Is there something that you would like us to pray about?

Which of these 3 can we spend our remaining three minutes on?

Can we leave this invitation (track) with you?

If we do not see you in the following month, we might pop back.

Make a note of their fulll name and contact details.

Each conversation should end with an offer to pray for forgiveness of sins and asking God for salvation. Matthew 4:16-17. Mark 1:14-15. For example:

Qu: Do you consider yourself to be good? Have you ever lied?... then let us pray for salvation. After they agree to pray with you, celebrate the moment by taking a selfie and send it to them, giving them the option to share their commitment to try to live a better life in Christ, with those they love and care about.

 Case studies.

This process works.

Saturday 6th February 2016

House 1. 12noon

Me: “We delivered this postcard a week ago. When we returned in the week you said that you would visit this website and give us some feedback. Did you have a chance to visit the website?

Occupant: “No, I forgot”

Me: “Can I ask you to close this front door and go online now briefly while I wait outside here and then come back and tell me what you think?”

Occupant: “Ok?”

The occupant went inside to view the website but the internet was down and so he returned and explained this and asked me:

Occupant: “What is this about?”

Me: “The website looks at how the human race came to be here. Are you Muslim?

Occupant: "Yes"

Me: "Perhaps the relevant page on the website is one entitled: “Islamic questions”. On this page we look at what the Qu’ran says about the death of Jesus Christ. Do you have a Qu’ran here?

 Occupant: “Yes but it is in Aramaic and I cannot read it.

Me: “Do you have a Qu’ran translated into English?


Me: “Ok. if you look in the Qu’ran at Surah 4:157 you will see that it says that the body of Jesus Christ was switched.......

House 2

A women with 3 children all looked through the front window but were unwilling to answer the front door.

House 3

Did not look at the website as promised but they are already Christian.

House 4

Did not look at the website as promised but they are already Christian.

House 5

Had not seen the postcard but he is already Christian.

House 6

Had received the postcard but had not looked at the website. He went and returned to the front door with His IPhone.

Me: “Are you a Muslim?”

Occupant:” Yes

Me: “Let us go straight to the page entitled “Islamic questions” please close this front door and read this page and then let me know what you think.”

When he returned to the front door I asked him

Me:” Is it correct that Muslims believe that Jesus did not die on the cross and that a switch took place?”

Occupant: “Yes”

Me: “But when Jesus was taken into custody; He was taken alone and surround by a garrison of enemies soldiers. He was whipped and then taken to Calvary to be crucified by the Roman soldiers. A switched could not have taken place.

Occupant: “Yes but Allah is able to do anything.”

Me: “ Is it right for you to say something that Allah has not said?

         The Qu’ran does not say that the body was switched by Allah.”

Occupant: “Ok”


  1. “2000-8000 soldiers held Jesus captive.
  2. 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 says that 512 people (Cephas, 11 disciples (Judas dead) saw Jesus alive again over a period of 40 days after His public death.
  3. Is it correct to say that you believe that access to Paradise is through the forgiveness of Allah?

Occupant: “Yes”

Me: “But what about justice? According to the Christian faith not only is the issue of forgiveness address but God is also just and it would be wrong for crimes/ sins to go unpunished. God’s punishment for sins was put on Jesus Christ while He hung on the cross, and just before He died and gave up His Spirit He said: “It is finished. “ Meaning that the requirement for me to punished was set aside because Jesus Christ offered Himself up as a sacrifice to take upon himself the judgement for my sins.

  1. Ask God to reveal to you who Jesus Christ is.
  2. If appropriate then go to the “Next step” page and pray the “Salvation prayer”.

House 7

Me: Did you see this postcard with this website address on it?.”

Occupant: “No”

Me:”Can I ask you to close this front door and go online and check it out now and let me know what you think about it while I wait here.”

Occupant: “Ok”

He went and returned with an IPhone. After the front page loaded I suggest that he click on the 3 vertical white dots in the top right hand corner which is the menu to access all the pages of the website.

Me: “Do you believe that we evolved from Apes?”

Occupant:” Yes I do.”

Me: ”Ok select the “Is the theory of evolution true?” page and click on the link that takes you to the work of Charles Darwin and scroll up and then down to following lines and read out loud what is written there please.

The occupant reads the highlighted lines.

Me: So you can see for yourself that at the time of writing, Darwin believed that God created man. At no time did Darwin return to his work and offer an explanation about where the original ape came from or how the first non living thing became a living being.

Now,  someone cannot live in my home unless he acknowledge that I am the owner.

So it is with God. We cannot live with Him in heaven unless we acknowledge who He is.

And in the same way that we make a will while we are living in the physical realm, we must do the same for our soul.

This process is simple. Look at the “ What next” page of the website and scroll down to the “Salvation prayer” and read this. Here is an opportunity to ask for the forgiveness of your sins and ask God to receive your soul into heaven when you pass away. Either the soul goes to heaven or to hell.  There is no third option. Where do you want your soul to go after you pass away? Up or down?

Occupant : “Up”

Me: “Are you willing to pray this prayer?”

Occupant: “yes”

The 7th occupant was born again at 12:42 Saturday 6th February 2016.  Amen.

Why participate in corporate evangelism?

Firstly, It is used as an opportunity to train ourselves and equip ourselves to minister effectively in our personal lives throughout the remainder of the year and show ourselves approved. We would not take the approach that we often take to church work into our professional lives. If we wanted to learn to play a musical instrument or compete successfully in a sport or attend an interview we would set time aside to study, train and prepare. The disciples were trained for three years. Let us do the same. Start by going online and researching the subject today. 2 Timothy 2:15

Secondly, As we are all very busy, corporate evangelism provides a
planned avenue for us to suspend the cares of this
world and focus for a short time on using our
talents as a steward in the purest expression of
the purposes of Christ’s first coming. Ecclesiastes 3:1-2

Thirdly, It provides us with the opportunity to demonstrate that we are His children and that we love Him by being obedient to His New Testament great commission and we seek to express our new covenant love towards humanity. John 14:23 ,

Fourthly, The biblical approach of going out two by two has a range of benefits:

(A) Accountability to one another. When a person comes to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, all their sins are forgiven - past, present and future. Believers have been saved from the penalty of sin (justification), are being saved from the power of sin (sanctification), and, one day, will be saved from the presence of sin (glorification). But until that day, believers still have a sin nature and sometimes sin. If a believer is by himself, he is accountable to no one. Yet if there is a co-worker, they can help each other with the restoration process. (Gal. 6:1; cf. James 5:19, 20 and Eccl. 4:9, 10).

(B) Mutual encouragement. When people are alone and things start going the wrong way, they can become discouraged. They have no one to turn to for mutual support and encouragement and this can impact our ministries. The nickname " Son of Encouragement" was well deserved because Barnabas had a solid reputation of encouraging people in the things of the Lord. The Lord used Barnabas to encourage Saul (later known as Paul) and John Mark at crucial points in their spiritual lives.

(C) To go out two-by-two is part of the mentoring / discipleship process. Paul admonishes Timothy: “And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (II Tim. 2:2). The pattern of discipleship seen in the New Testament is not “one-on-one” discipleship, but rather, “two with a group of men.”
For Jesus, it was twelve. At one point, Paul and Timothy had six men. (Acts 20:4).

(D) To maximize spiritual gifts. When Paul went on his second missionary journey he chose Silas, also known as Silvanus, to join him (Acts 15:40). Paul’s spiritual gift was that of apostle and teacher (Eph. 4:11), while Silas's gift was that of prophet (Acts 15:32). While they were in Lystra, they invited a young man that Paul had led to the Lord to join them. Timothy had the gift of the evangelist (Acts 16:1-3; II Tim. 4:5). Between the three men, they could effectively reach people with the gospel, establish and teach local churches, and train other men in the doctrinal truths of the Word of God, as well as ministry.

Outreach Dos and Don'ts

Jesus Christ did not point the way to a particular Church. Nor did He promote one Church above another as one to attend or not to attend.
Jesus pointed the way to The Kingdom. Please try to focus on what Jesus Christ focused on as you go.
Jesus did not focus on Church doctrine nor did He come in judgement.
He came to demonstrate and ushering the new covenant based entirely on unconditional love.
Please do not make it conditional. Let Church teachers handle issues and doctrine at the appropriate time.
Unbelievers are converted by love and mercy not Church doctrine.
Avoid long disputes. There is a difference between sowing and reaping. During an outreach our focus is to reap.
Sowing is what we should be doing all day on every other day. There is a time for everything.
Avoid sharing your opinions. But answer in this manner: "This is what the Holy Bible says on this matter:..."(Show them from a Bible).
If you share your testimony, be discreet and not overly graphical or crude.
We are never seeking to shock or impress anyone.We are now meek and mild.
If you are a miserable person, without the ability to smile, please receive counselling before you join an outreach.
If during the outreach you come across someone who needs extra support, then please arrange for this to happen. Do not delegate this. However, never get into a counselling or deliverance situation alone with a person of the opposite sex. Satan does send people to come for counselling who later accuse ministers of sexual misconduct and other false things. If you were alone with that person and they accuse you, it is your word versus theirs. You can lose your reputation and ministry like this through false accusations. Beyond this always have this single thought in the back of your mind as you go to share our faith: that regardless of what they look like, smell like, or how they behave or what they say:
God took the time to create that person and He loves them in the same way that He loves me.
Feel free to argue with me the theology of these points when we meet in heaven but in the mean time, as you go, please have this mind set. Philippians 4:8-9 Galatians 5:22-23

Finally, let us also go and find those that were lost along the way and restore them. Matthew 18:10-14.
See your own faults first and deal with them; and then give room for repentance, forgiveness and emotional healing. Ephesians 5:27