There are a number of ways to share your faith
but we will focus on just a couple here in this resource for outreaches.
In the first instance we will look at working
in isolation and then in the second instance below there is some guidance for an evangelistic outreach that involves in working with a postcard track and our related website:
When sharing your faith, give some thought to your opening words. Here are some suggestions as to what you could say
You could e-mail our outreach website address: to unsaved family members, friends and colleagues and then follow them up by answering any questions and asking them to join you in the salvation prayer that can be found on the “What Next ” page.
As an alternative, please feel free to copy, print and use the tracks below, which sign post people to our related website, during your outreach work in conjunction with your normal local Church track. If you are in a position pay for a bill board or any other media
advertising that point to Christ through this website, this will usually be welcome too. The first “Website address track” should simply have the website address: “” and the strap line: “You need to check out this website.” printed on both sides with a green background on the front and no colour (white or cream with black text) on the back so that if and when it is posted via hand delivery, the occupants will almost always see the message in the short window of opportunity that you are likely to have.
During the Easter and Christmas seasons, A3 and A4 sized copies of the green “www.Who Is postcard could be put up in the windows of our businesses, homes and on the external notice boards of our Churches etc. throughout the world to help unbelievers consider the hope of eternal life.
I pray that the spirit of unity and boldness comes upon you.
The process for using our postcard:””
The work of a smaller team
1-2 days before the outreach, post the cards
The work of the whole Church
Outreach day
(a) Ask you seen the postcard?
(Hold up a copy of the A5 postcard)
(b) Have you visited the website?
(C) Can we ask you to close your front door and look at one or two pages now while we wait outside here.
Note: Typically you will only speak to approximately 25%-35% of the doors that you knock on. They are often out etc.
Does this approach to evangelism work?
See one series of
cases studies
Resource for outreaches
The second single sided track below the first can be handed to someone in person.
Below is a business card template that could be used to inform other Christians about this website and it use as a training platform.
On tap
Consider saving this page as a favourite on your mobile devise and use the contents of this site at opportunities that present themselves.
May God bless you as you do so.
Why participate in corporate evangelism? Click here to find out.
Further Training
The Apostles sat under Jesus for three years.
It is important that we fill the gaps in our understanding.
This should include some basic principles of healing and deliverance.
In addition to reading our Bibles let us learn from the specialists amongst us.
Today much of this is available online.
However, let us also be careful not to expose ourselves to those teachings which are not born from the Spirit of God. It is good practice to ask the Lord to lead you before you start a period of research.
For Outreach Dos & Don’ts click here
The restoration of His Church & His Kingdom here on earth
Whilst there is a call for every believer in every nation to do the work of the evangelist over the next three years, 2 Timothy 4:5, there is also a call upon every gift to be stirred up, activated, fulfilled, and discharged, as unbelievers become believers and believers become disciples, and disciples move on to specialise and occupy their ministries and then they are poured out to serve humanity, His creation. Ephesians 4:11-13, 1 Corinthians 12:4-14 with the evidence of signs following Acts 5:12. Isaiah 58:12.